WWW: The strength here is your confident use of media
terminology – it really shows your knowledge and passion for film making and
technology. You've also honestly highlighted the major weaknesses while also
referring to the technical strengths and the fact the production was somewhat
rescued from complete disaster.
EBI: Written English is a factor – not so much spelling
and grammar but paragraphing and organisation. Most importantly, I think the
balance is wrong here – there’s a lot on planning and pre-production but very
little on the actual production itself. I know this is somewhat determined by
the shortness of the production but it’s still something to address for the
real evaluation in March. Hopefully the lessons you have drawn from this
process will mean that your actual production is organised and completed much
LR: I would make sure no technical disasters occur and have everything ready and sorted before hand.
Focus on the actual production a lot more and add a lot more detail into the production and evaluation.
Organise script, shot list beforehand to film efficiently.
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